Metai: 1916
Trukmė: 3 mins
Aprašymas: I. 'GOOSE RAISES $100. A twenty six year old goose "Winsome Winnie" after repeated sales realises over $100 for charity.' A foggy day. Auctioneer in overcoat and hat stands on a step-ladder holing a gavel - in the background, on top of a parked car, is the goose standing (it can hardly sit) in a small cage. A crowd surrounds the auctioneer as he encourages the bidding. Final LA.CU of goose in its cage.II. 'BOXING DAY SPORTS. The military Marathon in aid of the British Sportsmen's Motor Ambulance Fund being run in a thick fog.' Contestants file out of a building - many wear Army greatcoats over their running gear. MS as runners set off along a road lined with spectators. Preceded by a car and followed by several men on bicycles, the leading runner comes round a corner into the final straight. Private Miller, contestant No 39, is supported by two men after his win - he is clearly very tired, and weaves slightly as he walks. Head and shoulders CU of Private Miller, a Canadian. CU of second-place man No 33 - he too is exhausted and looks into camera with a fixed stare.III. 'CANADIANS IN PARIS. Members of the Canadian Band enjoying themselves in Paris, previous to giving a charity performance at the Trocadero.' MS as a group of Canadians form a rough line to be filmed - more run up to join in. Camera pans left to right along the line. The men are in high spirits, waving to the camera. One man in the back rank plays with the cap of the man standing in front of him, to produce a comic effect. The group breaks up.IV. 'LORD MAYOR WITH THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN. The Lord Mayor and Sir W. Treloar spend Christmas with the children at the Alton Home.' Mayor dressed as Father Christmas walks towards the camera through a flock of sheep grazing in a field - he holds a staff and has a large bunch of holly (?) over his shoulder, the whole effect being rather eccentric and not very Santa-like. Crippled children come in from frame right to inspect the Mayor. MS as Santa, now on a donkey cart laden with gifts and led by Sir William (conventionally dressed in lounge suit and bowler), makes his way past admiring children. Gifts are dispensed from the back of the cart. CU of two boys on crutches: one is holding several toys - a doll, soft animal, a toy Red Cross wagon. Neither he nor his companion seems much moved. 'ALDERMANIC SANTA CLAUS. Two of the City Fathers distribute Xmas gifts to the crippled children.' A dormitory or ward. Santa presents a present to a small child lying in bed - a nurse looks on from the background. Sir William shakes hands with a little boy standing by the bed and pinches the bed-ridden one on the cheek. Santa and straight man depart. Cut to girl's ward as Santa comes up ladder leant against an opened window - he cannot get in, but reaches through to hand a doll to one girl, and tosses another onto the bed of a second girl. CU of Santa and dissolve to the Mayor sans beard and wig.
I. A goose is auctioned for charity.II. Christmas marathon race is run to raise funds for charity.III. Canadian Band in Paris.IV. Lord Mayor of London visits a children's home at Christmas.
Raktažodžiai: EFG1914 / World War I / Miller, P / Dunn, William Henry / London, Lord Mayor of / Treloar, William / British Sportsmen's Motor Ambulance Fund / Canadian Army, [band] / Sir William Treloar Fund / Alton Home for Crippled Children / society, British - charity: fund raising auction / animals, birds: goose / society, British - charity: fund raising marathon / recreation, British military - sport: marathon / recreation, British military - music: band / buildings, British - institutional: children's home / celebrations, British - popular: Santa Claus / society, British - charity: gifts for crippled children / London, England, UK / Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France / GB, England & London, EC (?) / fog / camera / World War, 1914-1918 -- Motion pictures and the war
Tiekėjas: Imperial War Museums
Teisės: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Gamybos kompanija: Topical Film Company
Spalva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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